Helter Skelter 靈感來源?

看板Beatles作者 ("我已經五年沒訪客了")時間23年前 (2001/08/09 09:30), 編輯推噓0(000)
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是受到 The Who 一九六七年發行的新單曲 'I Can See for Miles' 的刺激 由於 'I Can See for Miles' 被 Melody Maker 評為 "the loudest ever made" Paul McCartney 讀了之後決定作出一首超越 The Who 的"大聲歌" 於是便產生了超暴力超蜢的'Helter Skelter'.... 而這首歌的態度和風格又影響到後來的 The MC5 和 The Stooges 間接催生了後來的 The Sex Pistols 於是 Noel Gallagher 得出以下的結論: Paul McCartney 發明了龐克 --摘譯自 Paolo Hewitt 所著的 GETTING HIGH Cheers! Noel 的音樂史理論 Patsy "Gallagher" punk rock "In 1967, Paul McCartney read in the MELODY MAKER that The Who's new single, 'I Can See for Miles,' was the loudest ever made. Determined to outstrip them, McCartney then wrote 'Helter Skelter.' The sound and attitude behind the song directly inspired The MC5 and The Stooges, who in turn inspired The Sex Pistols. Which is why Noel Gallagher believes that Paul McCartney invented punk rock." -from GETTING HIGH THE ADVENTURES OF OASIS by Paolo Hewitt thought this was interesting deena -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #xSUUc00 (Beatles)