[問題] McCartney/Lennon or Lennon/McCartney

看板Beatles作者 (蜥蜴慶典)時間12年前 (2012/04/12 20:42), 編輯推噓5(502)
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這一陣子聽The Beatles Mono時 突然注意到Please Please Me這張CD Paul或是John的作品是寫著McCartney/Lennon 而非像之後的專輯都是寫著Lennon/McCartney 剛好上禮拜就看到這篇文章 http://www.norwegianwood.org/beatles/english/maclen.html 這篇文章看起來雖然比較偏坦Paul McCartney 不過令我好奇的是其真實性 其中有一段寫道 The Beatles decide to take a break after this. They go on holiday. Three of them go to Santa Cruz, Tenerife, while John decides to spend some time with the Beatles gay manager, Brian Epstein, in Barcelona, Spain. After their holidays, the boys has an appointment with their manager. Paul turns up a bit late, and when he finally arrives, he is informed by John and Brian that they have decided that the songwriting credits should hereafter read "Lennon - McCartney" instead of "McCartney - Lennon". Paul is dismayed but gives in, seeing as he had turned up late and all that. 不知道是否有人清楚Lennon-McCartney的由來 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 23:02, , 1F
04/12 23:02, 1F

04/12 23:06, , 2F
04/12 23:06, 2F
如果是字母排序的問題的話, Please Please Me卻又是McCartney-Lennon ※ 編輯: wafer 來自: (04/12 23:23)

04/15 23:27, , 3F
精華區z-9-2-17~~24 有相關討論
04/15 23:27, 3F
不好意思可能是我寫得不夠清楚 精選區的這幾篇文章我很久以前就看過了 不過我的疑問是為何會由第一張專輯的McCartney/Lennon 變成後來的Lennon/McCartney 我可以在那幾篇文章找到他們想要成為歌曲創作partner的理由 至少是Paul的部分(Paul同意自己的作品掛上兩人名字的理由) 不過一開始看起來應該不是Lennon/McCartney 所以覺得有點好奇 謝謝 ※ 編輯: wafer 來自: (04/16 07:12) by the way, 在這幾篇文章中有人提到Here, There and Everywhere是John Lennon的歌曲 因為我很喜歡這首歌, 所以我一定得澄清這是Paul McCartney的歌曲 當然Paul曾說John跟他說過John很喜歡這首歌 有提人到Paul的視野不及John 我認為在Eleanor Rigby可以看出Paul有能力討論一些嚴肅的話題 A day in the life中間那一段是Paul所做的 曾經看過Paul對音樂的看法是希望音樂能回歸到其本質 所以他喜歡做不同類型的音樂 與John偏向政治的風格不相似 我不喜歡說誰好誰壞 但某種程度上大部分的人喜歡用貶低Paul來稱讚John 更看過有人附和John的說法(Paul在無人督促下寫出很多垃圾) 有時我會想贊同的人是寫下比live and let die或是here today更好的歌曲嗎? 老實說我覺得Paul與John都是很優秀的人 若Paul不夠強, John也不會說出下面的話 'There's only two artists I've ever worked with for more than... one night stands, as it were. That's Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. 中間省略 As I recall it, Now. George came through Paul and Ringo came through George, although of course I had a say in where they came from, but the only --the person I actually picked as my partner, who I recognized had talent and I could get on with, was Paul. 因為身邊沒人可以一起討論The Beatles 所以不自覺的寫了一堆跟原本問題無關的感想 真是不好意思 ※ 編輯: wafer 來自: (04/16 07:49)

04/17 00:56, , 4F
04/17 00:56, 4F
※ 編輯: wafer 來自: (04/17 07:30)

10/19 03:11, , 5F
身邊沒有人可以討論 Beatles XDD
10/19 03:11, 5F

10/19 03:11, , 6F
10/19 03:11, 6F

10/19 03:12, , 7F
10/19 03:12, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1FXisVhE (Beatles)