[問題] maxwell's silver hammer這首歌的意涵

看板Beatles作者 (龜哥)時間13年前 (2011/11/08 09:21), 編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
各位鄉民大家好 最近才開始從BEATLES第一張專輯細聽 過去都是聽成名曲或HIT精選收錄之類 因此最近在聽ABBEY ROAD時聽到了這首 maxwell's silver hammer 輕快俏皮的旋律讓我多聽了好幾次 仔細一聽才發現其中歌詞的詭異及可怕 讓我百思不得其解 Google了一下也沒有找到網路上有人真正在解釋這首歌的意涵 因此上來問一問強大的鄉民 不知有沒有人能確切解釋這首歌背後的意義 以及BEATLES創作歌時的背景、是否與所處時局有關? 萬分感謝!!! 歌詞: Joan was quizzical studied Para physical science in the home Late nights all alone with a test tube oh oh oh oh Maxwell Edison majoring in medicine calls her on the phone Can I take you out to the pictures Jo-oh ho-oan But as she's getting ready to go a knock comes on the door Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon her head Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead Back in the school again Maxwell plays the fool again teacher gets annoyed Wishing to avoid an unpleasant sce-ee-ee-ene She tells Max to stay when the class has gone away so he waits behind Writing fifty times I must not be so-oh-ho-oan But when she turns her back on the boy he creeps up from behind Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon her head Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead P.C. thirty one said we've caught a dirty one Maxwell stands alone Painting testimonial pictures oh oh oh oh Rose and Valerie screaming from the gallery say he must go free The judge does not agree and he tells them so oh ho-oan But as the words are leaving his lips a noise comes from behind Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon her head Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead Silver hammer man. 小弟初次PO文,若有冒犯敬請見諒^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/08 18:10, , 1F
11/08 18:10, 1F

11/08 18:42, , 2F
11/08 18:42, 2F

11/08 20:55, , 4F
11/08 20:55, 4F

11/08 21:00, , 5F
11/08 21:00, 5F

11/09 00:21, , 6F
我也覺得很詭異 這麼輕快的歌
11/09 00:21, 6F

11/09 04:34, , 7F
11/09 04:34, 7F

11/09 21:36, , 8F
11/09 21:36, 8F

11/10 16:37, , 9F
11/10 16:37, 9F

11/16 12:35, , 10F
馬世芳說 這是Abbey road專輯裡面唯二的敗筆
11/16 12:35, 10F

11/16 12:36, , 11F
另一個是 THE END轉太硬
11/16 12:36, 11F

11/18 16:05, , 12F
我超愛THE END的耶@@
11/18 16:05, 12F

12/01 23:57, , 13F
3樓那個wiki是假的,uncyclopedia, 難怪越看越不對
12/01 23:57, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ek8FyH_ (Beatles)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ek8FyH_ (Beatles)