[SNS ] 200405-200408 相關SNS整理

看板BTS (防彈少年團)作者 (ARMY)時間2年前 (2021/07/13 19:49), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
200405 泰亨 大家如果無聊的話,就和電視對話吧~#宅在家挑戰 https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1246745296769449985 (影片) BTS_official 官推 [Episode] BTS (防彈少年團) @ 2019 MMA (https://youtu.be/aMhIQVFvyf4
) https://twitter.com/bts_bighit/status/1246709207895703552 200406 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL RT umusicjapan https://twitter.com/umusicjapan/status/1247057085650497536 其他相關SNS FILA FILA X BTS LOVE YOURSELF ~ ♬ 2020. 4. 10 (五) PRE-ORDER Launching ※ 官方銷售處 FILA韓國 網路商店 12:00 Weverse Shop 11:00 Art.com(ABC mart 網路商城) 11:00 #斐樂 #防彈少年團 #RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #JungKook #FILA #BTS #LOVE_YOURSELF_Collection @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/fila_korea/status/1246996046527582209 BT21 OK, how are we gonna kick off season 3? Any ideas? CHIMMY! No snacking during storyroom dude! (鉛筆) #BT21_UNIVERSE #Season3 #ComingSoon #BT21 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1247086710522957825 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EU6Kv4GUMAAH-Lo.jpg
200407 玧其 翻來翻去 看到ㄎㄎㄎㄎㄎㄎ這個草稿 https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1247417472946339840 (影片) 其他相關SNS FILA FILA X BTS LA LA LA LA ~ ♬ 2020. 4. 10 (五) PRE-ORDER Launching ※ 官方銷售處 FILA韓國 網路商店 12:00 Weverse Shop 11:00 Art.com(ABC mart 網路商城) 11:00 #斐樂 #防彈少年團 #RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #JungKook #FILA #BTS #LOVE_YOURSELF_Collection @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/fila_korea/status/1247358434913050624 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUq0OCAUEAEV4OI.jpg
Hyundai Global Join Hyundai and BTS @BTS_twt in keeping #socialdistancing going and everyone around you #safe and protected. Maintaining a distance today can #help us be even more #united then ever! #Becauseofyou #HyundaixBTS #BTSxHyundai https://twitter.com/Hyundai_Global/status/1247449145587249152 BTS WORLD Official [公告] 經紀人! 已更新<忙內line> 'Best Cut'卡片,現在請到遊戲裡面去確認吧! (相機) 5★ 合計機率 2.5倍 (相機) 'Best Cut'更新卡片機率 UP (相機) '夢境'卡 機率 UP (相機) 智旻/V/柾國 卡片單獨登場 [公告請往這邊走] ▶https://forum.netmarble.com/btsworld/view/7/1371188 https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1247390374408015872 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EU-YmRUUUAImWKI.jpg
BT21 PUZZLE STAR BT21 is celebrating its 2nd anniversary since launch. (派對) Get involved and grab the chance of nabbing your very own #BT21 BABY #TATA! Download #PUZZLESTARBT21 NOW http://lin.ee/6w1cK4Y/ztej Event period (日曆) 7 Apr 4PM to 14 Apr 7PM(KST) 7 Apr 7AM to 14 Apr 7AM(UTC) https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1247418912896995334 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EU-44rVUUAEQjgh.jpg
其他藝人提及 Justin Bieber ... officially lost my mind https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qjSZUnGEw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 200408 玧其 咚咚次 https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1247876628782276613 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVFZK_rU8AAInoA.jpg
BTS_official 官推 [#防彈BOMB] 明明是個人拍攝,卻有意想不到的真面目一起拍進去了...! #特別客串 #創始人_與他的徒弟(相機) #意想不到的真面目(摀嘴笑) (https://youtu.be/Na5FurIcjEg)
https://twitter.com/bts_bighit/status/1247811471435657216 其他相關SNS Big Hit Shop From Big Hit Shop USA to Weverse Shop USA! If it's your first time on Weverse, here's our guide on how to get started! Download Weverse Shop → https://app.weverseshop.io/5dni0 https://twitter.com/BigHitShop/status/1247705806906068992 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVC7uhEUUAAS09a.jpg
西班牙文版 https://twitter.com/BigHitShop/status/1247705823175942146 FILA FILA X BTS OH OH OH OH ~ (音符)♬ 2020. 4. 10 (五) PRE-ORDER Launching ※ 官方銷售處 FILA韓國 網路商店 12:00 weverseshop 11:00 Art.com(ABC mart 網路商城) 11:00 #斐樂 #防彈少年團 #RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #JungKook #FILA #BTS #LOVE_YOURSELF_Collection @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/fila_korea/status/1247720823584165889 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUq0ALJU0AAEKYn.jpg
Hyundai Global Hyundai x Jimin “For rest. 我們的休息,從森林開始。” “For rest. Our rest comes from forests.” Watch the film!: https://bit.ly/3aRn8tH #Becauseofyou #HyundaixBTS #BTSxHyundai #BTSxNEXO #NEXO #Hydrogen #PositiveEnergy @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/Hyundai_Global/status/1247706447925911560 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVC-ZIHWkAIMEwZ.jpg
BT21 "So dads, what will become of BT21?" Raising kids involve dedication, attention and affection. ... And these dads are more than up to the task!(FIRE) #Season3 of #BT21_UNIVERSE Subscribe and receive the latest news → https://lin.ee/41vYKXl/adtu #April16th #ComingSoon #BT21 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1247811861573038080 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVEeQ_7UYAYU-BB.jpg
cr.BTS_twt / bts_bighit / BTS_jp_official / umusicjapan / fila_korea / BT21_ / Hyundai_Global / BTSW_official / BigHitShop @ Twitter justinbieber@Instagram 翻譯: guha4832@PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1626176952.A.803.html

07/13 19:50, 2年前 , 1F
07/13 19:50, 1F

07/13 20:39, 2年前 , 2F
07/13 20:39, 2F

07/13 20:43, 2年前 , 3F
07/13 20:43, 3F

07/13 22:30, 2年前 , 4F
07/13 22:30, 4F

07/13 23:52, 2年前 , 5F
07/13 23:52, 5F

07/14 13:29, 2年前 , 6F
07/14 13:29, 6F

07/14 17:16, 2年前 , 7F
07/14 17:16, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1WxNsuW3 (BTS)
文章代碼(AID): #1WxNsuW3 (BTS)