[SNS ] 200526 相關SNS整理

看板BTS (防彈少年團)作者 (ARMY)時間3年前 (2020/05/27 00:08), 3年前編輯推噓10(1000)
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200526 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL #BTS 『VOGUE JAPAN』2020年8月號發佈獨家寫真&專訪! 詳情請見 → https://t.co/jySAqDHrsv https://twitter.com/BTS_jp_official/status/1265085287694303232 BTS official Instagram #AgustD #D_2 #大吹打 https://www.instagram.com/p/CApaiRoAQcR/ https://i.imgur.com/fnOgizE.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CApakxjAfSi/ https://i.imgur.com/9Wr9Bb7.jpg
https://www.instagram.com/p/CApanTzA6gY/ https://i.imgur.com/YBH27xr.jpg
(以上三則內文相同) Weverse 因爲阿米們準備的驚喜禮物 從眼淚海洋的溫布利公演到首爾終場,#防彈少年團 在此寫下耀眼歷史 一起來觀看因爲有彼此的心才能發光的防彈少年團"NOW AND TOMORROW"吧。 EP6. NOW AND TOMORROW →https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/eae2d8a2 #BREAK_THE_SILENCE https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1265251384754143235 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY8TbdEXsAMoHsP.jpg
https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1265251396884074528 (英文版本) https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1265251494909087748 (日文版本) Weverse Shop 現在請到在#WeverseShop 的 #房防pop-up 來玩吧! 包含 #房防con 商品在內,還有從2014至2018年推出的官方商品! ARMY MEMERSHIP會員限量銷售 在Weverse Shop GLOBAL上查看 → https://t.co/7rXCwSPvZa https://twitter.com/weverseshop/status/1265101686294503424 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6J-uwUYAA-Cqz.jpg
https://twitter.com/weverseshop/status/1265101688353906688 (英文版本) https://twitter.com/weverseshop/status/1265101690153230336 (日文版本) 其他相關SNS BT21 Looks like somebody's really anxious to see the match result. (咬牙) COOKY's boxing match episode, Coming Up TODAY Subscribe to BT21 and receive the latest news. → https://lin.ee/41vYKXl/adtu #May26 #BT21_UNIVERSE #Season3 #ANIMATION #EP03 #COOKY #FightNight #BT21 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1265100499646214147 (影片) The best, COOKY is! COOKY's fight will make your palms sweat. (汗) Check out the action-packed third episode right NOW! → https://lin.ee/1vjHIFVym/hntj #BoxingChampion #YouCanDoIt #BT21_UNIVERSE #Season3 #ANIMATION #EP03 #COOKY #FightNight #BT21 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1265160933665464320 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY7BKVlU4AAsmZy.jpg
★PUZZLE STAR BT21 My Room OPEN★ Now you can decorate your very own space with BT21 items! (瞇眼咧嘴笑) Download → http://lin.ee/6w1cK4Y/ztej #PUZZLESTARBT21 #BT21 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1265206129551785985 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY7qQ92UEAQ0LH1.jpg
LEMONA OFFICIAL [EVENT] TVCF照片認證活動★ 認證LEMONA飲料電視廣告和LEMONA產品,抽獎送禮包♥♥ . 參與辦法: 1. 追蹤insta,like這篇貼文 2. 在LEMONA認證照上 tag @lemona_official *#LEMONA認證照 #LEMONA #LEMONA #每日LEMONA hashtag 3. 在這篇貼文下面 #參與完成 以及標記朋友的話就完成了!! 日期 : 5/26(二) ~ 6/7(日) 公布 : 6/9(二) 獎品 : BTS LEMONA 30包(罐裝)+愛心盒 (5名) *韓國國內限定活動. . TV CF 主要節目(略) . #LEMONA #防彈少年團 #BTS #每日LEMONA #EverydayLemona #vitamin #維他命 #LEMONAFRIENDSMALL #RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #Jungkook #活動 #認證照活動 #認證照 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAoi7fTgPjj/ https://i.imgur.com/eLoJxOX.jpg
BTS WORLD Official [公告] 為了更新活動,BTS WORLD將準備進行維修檢查。 <維修時間> 5/26(二) 14:00 ~ 17:00 (韓國時間) 我們會努力提供更加優質的服務。 [公告請往這邊走] ▶http://forum.netmarble.com/btsworld/view/1/1426259 https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265090034278883329 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5_xD1VAAInJcU.jpg
https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265090036719955969 (英文版本) [公告] 維修已結束! 和BTS WORLD一起紫愛你一整天 謝謝! [NOTICE] Maintenance is just finished! Have a purple day with BTS WORLD. Thank you very much. https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265188192388448257 [公告] (大頭針)ANOTHER STORY 第二季第二章 <閔玧其的情書>更新 雖然成了有名的鋼琴家,玧其卻不幸福 好像是因為丟失了珍貴的棕色鋼琴... 玧其真的能再見到他的棕色鋼琴嗎?(琴鍵) [公告請往這邊走] ▶https://forum.netmarble.com/btsworld/view/1/1426259 https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265189296249507841 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY7Uq17VAAIybWY.jpg
https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265189298615156736 (英文版本) [公告] 經紀人! <感性、智慧卡片獨家機率UP活動>,現在請到遊戲裡面去確認吧! 5★ 合計機率 3倍 'Just Dance' 4種更新卡片機率 UP 感性、智慧卡片登場登場 [公告請往這邊走] ▶https://forum.netmarble.com/btsworld/view/7/1426297 https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265192190176710658 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY7bRs7UEAAwtKD.jpg
https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1265192192642973697 (英文版本) 菲律賓FILA 1 Day Left For FILA Pre order! Swipe to see posters #OneworldOnefila GO-#BTS, GO-#FILA #RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #JungKook #FILA #BTS https://www.instagram.com/p/CApUNxSJMm7/ (影片) https://i.imgur.com/n4L5dUg.jpg
cr. BTS_jp_official / weverseofficial / weverseshop / BigHitShop / BT21_ / BTSW_official @ Twitter bts.bighitofficial / lemona_official / filaph @ Instagram 翻譯: guha4832 @ PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (韓國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1590509322.A.22A.html ※ 編輯: guha4832 ( 韓國), 05/27/2020 00:10:50

05/27 00:14, 3年前 , 1F
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05/27 12:48, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1UpJyA8g (BTS)
文章代碼(AID): #1UpJyA8g (BTS)