[歌詞] I can

看板BLUE作者 (IchweiBnicht)時間13年前 (2011/03/14 21:42), 編輯推噓9(903)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
看到新歌出來真是超級開心>w< Duncan的聲音還是一樣的迷人好聽呀>///< 馬上就跑去找歌詞了 想到國中為了Blue瘋狂學英文背歌詞的年代呀(遠目) 跟大家分享Blue新歌I can歌詞 (如有違反版規會自刪) 《I can》-Blue 出處http://www.directlyrics.com/blue-i-can-lyrics.html You were the eyes in the face of fortune I lost my way and I couldn't find you Oh, oh no We're not the first ones to be divided Won't be the last to be reunited No Oh no (Oh no) It's like rain falling down Drops of pain hit the ground I can't speak There's no sound when you're gone (Yeah, come on) I can I will I know I can untie these hands And get backup again (oh-ho) I can I will I know I can untie these hands And get backup again I can I can (Get back up again) I have never lost anything quite like this No second chances if I don't fit in No (no) Oh no (oh no) You closed the door and you kept on walking Left me behind and there's no more talking No Oh no Oh no -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 17:22, , 1F
我是高中的時候!!! 當時願望就是這輩子要看到現場演唱會...
03/15 17:22, 1F

03/15 23:50, , 2F
03/15 23:50, 2F

03/16 01:08, , 3F
03/16 01:08, 3F

03/16 12:54, , 4F
演唱會...(遠目~) blue這次復出好像亞洲重心都放在
03/16 12:54, 4F

03/16 12:56, , 5F
03/16 12:56, 5F

03/16 13:11, , 6F
03/16 13:11, 6F

03/16 13:11, , 7F
看XDD 甚至跟老師討論成員的事!
03/16 13:11, 7F

03/23 14:11, , 8F
03/23 14:11, 8F

03/23 23:29, , 9F
真的 突然少女情懷都回來了XD 超喜歡Duncan的>///<
03/23 23:29, 9F

03/25 17:51, , 10F
03/25 17:51, 10F

04/06 20:39, , 11F
終於回來了阿 !!
04/06 20:39, 11F

04/10 02:45, , 12F
MV目前看到最高的是720p的 不錯
04/10 02:45, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1DVXiw2Z (BLUE)
文章代碼(AID): #1DVXiw2Z (BLUE)