
看板BABYMETAL作者 (Matrix in 臥虎藏龍)時間9年前 (2016/03/11 23:12), 編輯推噓3(4113)
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原文網址 www.metalsucks.net/2014/07/18/twelve-reasons-babymetal-best-thing-happen-metal-decade/ http://goo.gl/fw2tpB 翻譯網址 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4358597760 刊出時間:2014/07/18/ Babymetal are sweeping the world by storm.After catching the Internet off guard last year and quickly turning confusedmetalheads into believers, now everyone wants in on the action from members ofSlayer, Deftones, Anthrax and Dragonforce to Lady Gaga. 現如今,Babymetal的流行程度就像風暴一般席捲全球。去年(2013年)她們在網絡上嶄 露頭角,使得眾多金屬樂迷由一開始的困惑不解到成為她們堅定的信徒,如今每個明星都 想要借此機會去接近認識她們,比如Slayer(超級殺手合唱團,美國著名重金屬樂隊)、 Deftones (盲音樂團,同為美國金屬樂隊)、Anthrax(炭疽樂隊,同前)、Dragonforce(龍之動 力,英國著名金屬樂隊)和Lady Gaga。 Babymetal are the next big thing! This muchhas been made clear from the fact that they've been able to sell out largevenues all over the world during their first-ever international tour. But, aswith any new metal act who benefits from meteoric ascent, they』renot without detractors: one look at the comments section on a post aboutBabymetal on this or any other website should give you a good idea of the manybrands of negativity being lobbed their way. Babymetal將是下一個巨星級組合。在她們第一次國際巡演之時,世界各地的大舞台場場 都能門票脫銷,這些事實已足夠證明她們的實力。然而,就像任何一夜爆紅的金屬樂隊那 樣,反對者同樣大有人在:你可以任意去一家網站瀏覽一條關於Babymetal的帖子,你會 清晰地看到,針對她們的各種負面評價或惡語中傷比比皆是。 Here's the thing: Babymetal are absolutelyincredible! I haven't been this excited about a new metal act in a looooongtime. I was initially completely baffled and even averse tothe concept, but I've come to embrace it over time and you should too. Here'swhy: 但這也反映出了下列事實:Babymetal她們絕對超出你的想像!我已經很長很長很長一段 時間沒有像現在這樣對一支金屬組合如此心潮澎湃了。剛開始的時候,對於這樣的音樂概 念,我是完全摸不著頭腦的,甚至還帶有一絲抵觸情緒。然而現在,時間的推移已經讓我 徹底拜倒在了她們的音樂風格之下,而你也不會是例外,下列原因能夠解釋一切: 1. It's something different. 1、這是非同尋常的組合 For a genre that prides itself on beingmade by and for outsiders, metalheads are an extremely conservative bunch thatare incredibly averse to change. Babymetal arecompletely different than anything you've ever seen — and you can be forgivenif you were completely bewildered the first time you heard their music or sawone of their videos — and we salute them for stepping outside the tiny,constraining box in which heavy metal is supposed to exist. Let's face it:metal has become very predictable. It's easy to spot new trends and uprisingsin metal from a million miles away and they move at a snail's pacebefore burning up and fading out. Babymetal are completely out of left field,and they』re a breath of fresh air 作為一種被音樂界的圈外人創作,並且能夠為之服務,讓他們引以為豪的音樂體裁,重金 屬樂的樂迷們通常都十分保守,極不情願去作出改變。Babymetal則完全能給予你前所未 見的體驗——如果你初次接觸她們的音樂或者看了一部她們的視頻就痴迷到流連忘返,那 麼你絕不會遭到怪罪,我們之所以向她們的表現致敬,是因為她們完全跳出了重金屬樂的 局限性和陳規舊習。面對現實吧:金屬樂的發展已經變得可以為人所預判了。即使目光放 得長遠一些,我們也不難察覺到新式音樂潮流和革命,然後它們就以緩慢如蝸牛的速度發 展,直至熱情殆盡,淡出時代。Babymetal則是個徹頭徹尾的意外驚喜,她們就好比是金 屬樂壇註入的一股新鮮空氣。 . 2. Babymetal make 「tr00」 metalheads angry. Babymetal讓真正的黑金屬樂迷抓狂(譯者註:tr00指的是忠實的黑金屬樂迷) Nothing's better than watching a bunch of30- or 40-somethings who've spent thousands of dollars having their bodiestatted up get completely emasculated by a group of teenage Japanese girls whodidn't even know what metal was a few years back. Sorry bros, these girls havemore talent in their pig-tails than your stoner-post-crust-doom band will everhave in your lifetime. And they wrote a song about chocolate — (censored) — that'sbetter than your stupid song about beer or weed or whatever. 一大群三、四十歲的金屬狂人,花上幾千幾萬美刀給自己紋滿身,被一群幾年前還不知金 屬樂為何物的日本少女迷得神魂顛倒,沒有什麼比這更得人心的事情了。抱歉哥們,那些 女孩們透過髮辮就能流露出來的靈氣,足夠秒殺你一生所聽過的重金屬、後搖滾、硬殼金 屬和末日金屬樂隊。她們還寫過一首關於巧克力的歌——(譯者註:此處用詞不當已省略 )——比起你那些愚蠢的關於啤酒、大麻或者其他什麼的陳詞濫調要強多了。 3. Their music is surprisingly andincredibly advanced. 她們的音樂深度驚為天人 J-Pop extraordinaire Marty Friedman summedit up thusly when I spent a day with him in Tokyo (I』m paraphrasing here): 「Ifyou sit down to try and learn a Western pop song by an artist like Adele, her songsare great, but each song only has six chords in the entire thing. J-pop songshave something closer to 64 chords in them. They』re incredibly complicated.」Though Babymetal's formula might seem like it's got a sparkly pop veneer, digbeneath the surface and there's nothing simple about it: it's complicated musicpainstakingly written. You think it's easy to write pop songs; it's not! So thethree girls don't write the music themselves: who cares? Someone (or somepeople) does, and it's fantastic. Most lead singers in modern metal bands don'twrite the music either. 有一天我在東京和日本流行音樂專家Marty Friedman交談(譯者註:美國吉他演奏家與作 曲家,由於喜愛東方文化,自2003年,他定居於日本東京的新宿地區,並擁有自己的電視 節目《Rock Fujiyama》以及《Jukebox English》。),他這樣總結道(我隻是在這裏概 括下):「如果你坐下去嘗試學習像阿黛爾那樣風格的西方流行歌曲,你會發現她的歌曲 很贊,但整首歌畢竟隻有六和絃而已,而日本流行歌曲聽上去感覺能接近64個和絃,十分 複雜。」說到Babymetal的表演准則,儘管從外表上帶有閃亮的流行色彩,然而深入挖掘 就能看出,沒有什麼是能夠簡單了事的,所有的音樂工事都是作者煞費苦心的成果。你認 為寫流行歌曲很簡單?不可能!至於那三個女孩自己不寫歌?誰在乎?反正是有人寫了, 而且寫得超凡脫俗。況且其他現代的金屬樂隊主唱同樣不親自上陣寫歌。 4. Excellent musicianship. 卓越的音樂修養 If you can't get into the girls and theirvocals, take a look at the music itself: the guys who play in Babymetal's bandare hella talented! As noted in #3 above, it's not easy stuff to play, either. 如果還對這三人以及她們的聲樂技巧不感冒的話,那就看看音樂本身吧:Babymetal樂隊 的樂手們也是天賦異稟。就像上麵條目3裏所提到的那樣,演奏也絕非易事。 5. A Babymetal show is a theatricalexperience. Babymetal的一場演出能夠讓你體驗到盛大的戲劇效果 Metal is best experienced in a sweaty,cramped venue 99% of the time, but there's something about a massive arena showthat can send chills down your spine and elevate your conscious experience toanother level like a typical metal show simply cannot (see also: Iron Maiden).Metal lends itself to a theatrical experience with a massive, elaborate stage show,and Babymetal bring all that and more. 99%的情況下,人體驗金屬樂最好的方式就是把自己弄得大汗淋漓、全身抽筋才夠味。但 是一場盛大的舞台演出有時能夠讓你感受到透徹脊骨的寒氣,並且讓你能有意識地去經歷 一場高級別演出,這種體驗是典型的的金屬樂演出未嘗擁有的。金屬樂能夠讓自身融入到 一場宏大、精緻到稱得上是劇院級別的舞台演出。Babymetal帶來的正是這些,而且還遠 不止這些。 6. Sigg dance moves. 完全新穎的舞步(譯者註:由於未能追溯到Sigg的出處,此處翻譯有待考察) When This or The Apocalypse and Structures pull their choreographed stage moves they look like abunch of chumps desperate to make their mediocre music stand out; it's a cryfor attention. When the ladies ofBabymetal dance it's positively mesmerizing! Their style of dance is also completelyfresh to the Western eye. 當This or The Apocalypse(美國一支於2005年成立的金屬樂隊)開始演繹他們精心設計 的舞步時,他們就像一群無腦白痴那樣想要把他們泯然眾人的歌曲吹捧上天:他們的舞步 是對公眾註意的懇求呼喊。 而當Babymetal的三位小姐跳起舞來,那簡直是讓人如痴如醉!她們的舞蹈在西方人眼中 可是全然標新立異的風格。 7. They』re Japanese. 她們來自11區 That Babymetal come from a place soculturally different than America increases the appeal exponentially;you could even say it is the appeal. This cannot be overlooked: Babymetal wouldnever work if the band consisted of three 15-year old American girls. OrCanadians, or Germans, or Egyptians, or what have you. The fact that they』refrom Japan in particular gives this entire thing a license to exist. And that'sbecause Japanese culture is SO INSANELY FASCINATING! 由於來自一個與美國文化大相徑庭的國家,Babymetal無疑為自己的吸引力指數加分不少 。你甚至可以說她們就是一個現象。無法被忽視的一點在於,Babymetal如果讓三個15歲 的美國女孩,或加拿大女孩,或德國女孩,或埃及女孩,或者幹脆讓你來撐場的話,這個 組合根本就沒辦法活動下去。鑒於她們來自日本的特殊事實,一切都有資格循序漸進。那 也正是因為11區的文化實在是太讓人愛!不!釋!手!了! 8. The cute factor. 可愛因素 For real! Absolutely adorable. I couldpinch their cute little cheeks all day long! 說真的,她們是絕對可愛!我真想一整天都捏著她們可愛的小臉蛋(譯者註:你個Hentai !) 9. It's heavy metal you can listen to withyour kids. 這是一種可以和你孩子分享的重金屬 Rare is the band that's high-minded enoughfor adults to appreciate and simple enough for kids to enjoy. Call Babymetalthe Seinfeld or Simpsons of heavy metal. Crank it up and headbang with thewhole family! 現存的音樂組合很少有兼具讓成年人欣賞的深刻度以及讓小孩便於理解的通俗度。 Babymetal完全稱得上是這種重金屬音樂組合的始祖(譯者註:Seinfeld《宋飛正傳》和 Simpsons《辛普森一家》都是美國老少皆宜的情景劇,既能讓青少年歡笑同時也富含成年 人的哲理)。調大音量,跟隨你的家人一起隨節奏搖擺吧! 10. Women in metal are always a good thing. 女性對金屬樂而言永遠是利大於弊 The subject of 「women in metal」 is one thatrears its head in the metal press once every few months or so, yet I've barelyseen it mentioned in any coverage of Babymetal — it's just accepted and takenfor granted that the band's members are girls. Which is a fabulous thing! Havewe finally reached the point at which having women in a metal band is no bigthing? 「金屬樂中的女性」這個話題,每幾個月都會在金屬音樂的出版物上佔據篇幅。然而我很 少看到Babymetal在這個話題中被提到過。現在,金屬組合中存在女孩這一現象已經被大 眾所接受甚至當成了理所當然的事情。這簡直難以置信!我們是不是真的進入了女性涉足 金屬樂壇成為家常便飯的一個時代? 11. Babymetal can continue on forever. Babymetal能夠永垂不朽 In the tradition of all Japanese idolgroups, when the current members of Babymetal grow too old (like, 18, I guess?)they』ll be substituted out for younger, shining stars from the Sakura Gakuinidol group from which they came, ensuring Babymetal will never suffer the fateof growing old and stale like the rest of us mortals. 在日本偶像團體的傳統中,當現有的Babymetal成員年齡偏大(就像18歲,我猜的?), 她們就可以被其他來自櫻花學院新生代的、更年輕的未來之星所代替,因為這支組合也是 在櫻花學院成型的,這保證了Babymetal不會像其他團體那樣經歷衰老的命運最終像我們 很多同類型的人一樣成為歷史的犧牲品。(PS:但譯者本人認為此處觀點存在爭議性) 12. They』re fun! 很有趣喲! Metal these days is way too serious! Itwasn't always, but somewhere along the way we lost the plot. There's plenty toanalyze, rationalize, debate, pore over and get angry about whenit comes to modern metal — and that can be totally fine — but sometimes it's OKto just get lost in the moment and enjoy something for what it is withoutletting cognition interpret how you feel about it in the process. Babymetal areall about fun: get sucked into their savory, delectablechoruses, be entertained by their dance moves, become enraptured by the cult of theirpersonalities and the absurdity of not only their existence but theirwidespread viability. Most metalheads these days hatefun. Let go, just enjoy! 如今的金屬樂都太嚴肅了。雖然不總是這樣,但在金屬樂的歷程上我們似乎失去了什麼。 提到現代金屬時,我們有很多方面能夠去分析,去據理力爭,去辯論,去研究,去為之瘋 狂。這些其實都沒問題,但有時我們也應適時放縱一下自己,享受那些不被你原有的認知 所接受的新事物,並且不讓固化思維沖淡你的感覺。Babymetal從頭到腳都趣味十足:你 會被她們優雅體面的歌聲所吸引,被她們的舞步激起愉悅感,甚至神魂顛倒在對她們性格 的嫉妒崇拜以及對她們強烈的存在感和生命力極端無理性。現在有很多金屬樂迷不喜歡趣 味。管他們呢,盡情享受就是了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BABYMETAL/M.1457709147.A.237.html

03/11 23:48, , 1F
講道金屬的認同感~ 那真的有很多可以說了~\
03/11 23:48, 1F

03/12 06:37, , 2F
這篇爛死了 可以噓嗎
03/12 06:37, 2F

03/12 06:38, , 3F
03/12 06:38, 3F

03/12 06:40, , 4F
03/12 06:40, 4F

03/12 06:41, , 5F
03/12 06:41, 5F

03/12 08:16, , 6F
03/12 08:16, 6F

03/12 16:48, , 7F
03/12 16:48, 7F

03/14 14:21, , 8F
03/14 14:21, 8F

03/14 14:21, , 9F
03/14 14:21, 9F

03/16 13:54, , 10F
這篇很爛的原因是作者寫了一堆偏見 然後像樓上搞不清
03/16 13:54, 10F

03/16 13:54, , 11F
楚狀況的就信了 對金屬產生偏離事實的想法
03/16 13:54, 11F

03/16 15:43, , 12F
03/16 15:43, 12F

03/16 15:43, , 13F
03/16 15:43, 13F

03/16 15:43, , 14F
03/16 15:43, 14F

03/16 15:43, , 15F
03/16 15:43, 15F

03/16 15:43, , 16F
03/16 15:43, 16F

03/16 15:43, , 17F
03/16 15:43, 17F

03/16 15:43, , 18F
03/16 15:43, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1Muk1R8t (BABYMETAL)
文章代碼(AID): #1Muk1R8t (BABYMETAL)