[情報] 樂團短片拍攝(轉訊)

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Bands in Taipei: Help us with our short film and we will shoot a performance video for you! (下有中文版) Hello Bands in Taipei! We are David and Lois, a filmmaking duo from Germany & Taiwan. For our upcoming short film project “Unspoken, heard”, we are looking for a band to perform one of their songs in a practice room. The movie is about a girl that ’s going through some rough times and her discovery of music as a savior. Interested? DM us or write us an email to davidgastager@gmail.com & lois.jy.yeh@gmail.com. Because this is a no-budget project, you will get the full performance video as a compensation to use in whichever way you want. These are the prerequisites to participation. You should: . have an upbeat song . good quality recording of the song. The film recording will later be synced to your original recording . Your music genre should be something in the realm of grunge / indie / rock / garage, but we’re definitely open for all kinds of suggestions. . You should be available on the December 13th OR 14th for around 6 hours . access to a practice studio in Taipei where we can shoot the movie. We will bring a couple of lights and our camera equipment. To see some of my (David’s) previous work, please visit: www.davidgastager.com . We’re looking forward to our collaboration! All the best, David & Lois -- 哈囉大家好! 我們是來自德國的David和來自台灣的Lois。我們正在籌拍一支短片,需要徵求一支樂團 在片中演奏一首曲子。這部短片的故事是關於一個生活不順遂的女孩在音樂中找到慰藉。 如果你有興趣加入我們的話,請私訊我們或是寄email到以下信箱: davidgastager@gmail.com & lois.jy.yeh@gmail.com。 因為預算有限,我們無法支付酬勞,但會提供樂團完整剪輯好的表演影片。 如果你的樂團符合以下條件,請聯絡我們: 你們有一首風格振奮、明快的曲子 你們有上述這首曲子音質清晰的音檔供影片剪輯使用 你們的樂團風格屬於grunge / indie / rock / garage這幾種類型(但我們也歡迎各式各 樣不同的樂團邀約合作) 12/13或14其中一天有大約6小時的空檔 在台北有練習的場地可供拍攝。我們會自備攝影和燈光器材。 想參考David之前的作品,請點擊這個網址:www.davidgastager.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Alluvial/M.1572196247.A.527.html
文章代碼(AID): #1TjS-NKd (Alluvial)
文章代碼(AID): #1TjS-NKd (Alluvial)