[情報] Tyson Ritter! 你真是個敬業的藝人!!!

看板AAR作者 (Gina)時間14年前 (2009/09/28 16:34), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
朋友傳了這個影片給我, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfmGFx5OqpM
我嚇一跳,是在9/26號拍的, 他是摔斷腿了嗎?還是怎樣,後面還有個忍者在扶他 找了下原因.... Tyson Ritter had a surgery in Florida on Sept 26 to get a tumor removed from his leg. And the man still played the support show for Blink 182 the same day. According to sources, he didn't have the doctors approval and was doped up on morphine to help him through the night, along with the help of a ~ninja to be able to move on stage 這則影片有跟大家解釋一下為何他會打石膏和在後面的老兄 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofFRc5gLg0o
Tyson9/26號早上於佛羅里達的醫院動手術,拿掉在腿上的瘤, 而手術後這位先生依舊出現在support Blink 182的舞台上, 他這個舉動並沒有得到醫生的許可,但Tyson的解釋是, 他不想讓歌迷失望,所以請醫生給他一些嗎啡止痛 他他媽的一定要上來唱!!!所以他又派了個忍者來幫他移動.... 我只能說Tyson!!!你好樣的!!! -- Gina's Blog: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/juno3210 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/28 19:53, , 1F
09/28 19:53, 1F

09/28 20:06, , 2F
後面的忍者... 怎麼辦我剛剛看的時候居然笑了耶= =
09/28 20:06, 2F

09/28 21:13, , 3F
09/28 21:13, 3F

09/29 11:01, , 4F
要趕快好起來阿~Tyson QQ 但後面的忍者好好笑XD
09/29 11:01, 4F

09/29 12:19, , 5F
果真人不是鐵打的 他們今天的演出取消了 快點康復啊!!
09/29 12:19, 5F

09/29 20:14, , 6F
09/29 20:14, 6F

09/29 21:52, , 7F
09/29 21:52, 7F

09/30 14:02, , 8F
09/30 14:02, 8F

09/30 22:51, , 9F
09/30 22:51, 9F
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