[閒聊] Corduroy這首歌

看板PearlJam作者 ( )時間16年前 (2008/08/09 16:34), 編輯推噓4(403)
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除了聽音樂以外,其實我也很喜歡讀Pearl Jam的歌詞內容, 尤其是Eddie寫的(這人雖然高中沒讀完,但文筆真好) 一直沒有仔細看"Corduroy"歌詞,剛剛才讀了, 想到了一些什麼,就在這裡分享一下感觸 (也是想偷灌一下水啦) "Corduroy" lyrics: The waiting drove me mad you're finally here and I'm a mess I take your entrance back can't let you roam inside my head I don't want to take what you can give I would rather starve than eat your bread I would rather run but I can't walk Guess I'll lie alone just like before I'll take the firmest path oh, and I must refuse your test A-push me and I will resist this behavior's not unique I don't want to hear from those who know They can buy, but can't put on my clothes I don't want to limp for them to walk Never would have known of me before I don't want to be held in your debt And I'll pay it off in blood, let I be wed And I'm already cut up and half dead I'll end up alone like I began Everything has changed, absolutely nothing's changed Take my hand, not my picture, spilled my tincture I don't want to take what you can give I would rather starve than eat your breast All the things that others want for me Can't buy what I want because it's free(2x) Can't be what you want because I'm I ain't s'posed to be just fun Oh, to live and die, let it be done I figure I'll be damned, all alone like I began It's your move now I thought you were a friend, but I guess I, I guess I hate you 看完後,總覺得很難不把這首歌詞聯想至Eddie自己跟歌迷的關係。 跑去看了一些國外鄉民的討論,發現很多古怪的說法, 有說是不願意接受他人奉獻初夜的啦(這個害我一直笑XD); 有說是寧為玉碎不為瓦全的精神啦......反正什麼詮釋都有就是了 當然,看詮釋這種事有點像乾乾地讀什麼課文賞析似的 (而且還是鳥鳥的賞析XD),怎樣都不及自己對歌詞本身的感受來得觸動, 不過還是覺得滿好玩的。而維基寫的內容,則跟我的感覺比較相近: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corduroy_%28song%29 The lyrical content can be interpreted in many ways, but one common theory is that they are about the pressures of fame. In an interview, Eddie Vedder stated: It is about a relationship but not between two people. It's more one person's relationship with a million people. In fact, that song's almost a little too obvious for me. That's why instead of a lyric sheet we put in an X-ray of my teeth from last January and they are all in very bad shape, which was analogous to my head at the time. Regarding the song's title, Vedder stated: Yeah, that song was based on a remake of the brown corduroy jacket that I wore. I think I got mine for 12 bucks, and it was being sold for like $650. The ultimate one as far as being co-opted was that there was a guy on TV, predictably patterned, I guess, after the way I was looking those days, with long hair and an Army T-shirt. They put this new character on a soap opera, so there was a guy, more handsome than I, parading around on General Hospital. And the funny thing is, that guy was Ricky Martin. 看完維基的內容後,我必須說,"Vitalogy"那張專輯的booklet真的很好看, 那些神經質的圖象、字句很有魅力,不過...當我為了找歌詞而翻到燈芯絨那頁, 卻瞧見一堆Eddie的牙齒X光圖時,還是瞬間有被整到的感覺 XDrz 然後我猜Eddie講的咖啡色燈芯絨外套,是他身上這一件-- http://www.pearl-jam.com/pictures/ev1/evrspg.jpg
(話說我也有一件長這樣的外套XD) 黃色的字讓我覺得,可能當年Ed寫詞時的心情真的如我看歌詞所猜測的吧, 好像在個人與事業、自我跟人群間掙扎矛盾。 燈芯絨這首歌就讓我想起這篇訪談: http://www.nirvanafreak.net/art/art16.shtml 已經是十四年前的文章了,板上的大家可能都看過了 @@ Allan Jones當年訪問Eddie,問他對Kurt自殺的看法, Eddie也表達了自己面對成名這件事的不安跟內在衝突。 燈芯絨這首歌可能也多少表達類似的情緒吧,它完成的時間比Kurt自殺來得早, 不過它們都出現在1994年,某種戲劇化的聯想讓這一切變得有點讓人感慨 Allen的文章中,也提到Eddie有說他自己跟Kurt好像可以彼此瞭解對方的狀態。 嗯幸好現在已經2008了,不然光看那篇訪談,總有種Eddie會是 "the next after Kurt"似的。(但當然不是寇特妮那女人脫口說出 "為什麼不是艾迪!"那樣的心情。切!我就是看寇特妮不順眼) 總之,看完燈芯絨歌詞後,讓我想到了這些(天啊拉里拉雜一大堆!) 也想著,當他們現場表演這首歌時,情境上好像也有點諷刺?-- 對著讓他們不安的對象傾訴這些不安?XD 不過,這些不安應該也不是直接針對支持者、迷群吧, 是那些背負了責任的壓力(搞不好現場唱一唱也算一種發洩orz) 就像Allen文章中,Eddie說:"It's just so fuckin' weird. You write about this shit, and you're suddenly the spokesman for a fuckin' generation." 燈芯絨這首歌的結尾雖然說: "I thought you were a friend, but I guess I, I guess I hate you"(咦,其實歌曲中好像沒聽到這段?) 但我想他真的想說的,還是"Take my hand, not my picture, spilled my tincture"吧,看了只覺得他是因為善意,所以才如此誠實的,也覺得有點感動 總之現在已經2008了,十四年後,我們當然知道現在四十四歲的Eddie應該 已經不一樣了,不知道他對待自己的位置、事業,甚至Kurt死亡這些瘋狂的事情, 想法變得如何了?也希望Mike也安好。看到Allen文中提到,Eddie說當時Mike情況很糟XD 嗯...... 我只衷心希望PJ所有成員都快樂(以他們喜歡的形式) XD http://www.imdb.com/media/rm391616256/nm0891641 希望如今的Eddie大叔裡外都跟照片裡一樣開懷自在 XD (↑我莫名地喜歡這張照片,看到時心情都很好 XD) ----- 竟然扯了這麼多,而且結尾有癡情少女的感覺。 ----- 再補充一下@@: 從Eddie的訪談(維基那段-- 如果Eddie沒嘴砲XD),跟燈芯絨歌詞 "I don't want to take what you can give, I would rather starve than eat your bread", "They can buy, but can't put on my clothes"...等等, 好像也可以看出,當年大家為了模仿Eddie而買很貴的燈芯絨外套 (因Eddie穿這種外套在MTV頒獎典禮上亮過相?) 並沒有讓Eddie覺得大家跟他親近,反而加深他做為一個象徵、 a spokeman...等的壓力,也覺得他間接成為剝削大家的兇手吧 (我也不知道有沒有過度詮釋,總之乍看歌詞會覺得Eddie好像在責怪迷群, 在拒斥什麼,但其實他所困擾的主要是成名以來被符號化的壓力吧, 就是個敏銳也有良心的名人就對了 XD) 但我不否認發現自己跟Eddie有一樣的外套時,還是竊喜了一下 XD 然後看到"They can buy, but can't put on my clothes" 忽然就有被訓到的感覺 XDD  ----- 文章內容理序其實有點亂,請見諒。囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/09 17:15, , 1F
08/09 17:15, 1F

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08/09 17:49, 2F

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08/09 18:17, 3F
※ 編輯: stopthemob 來自: (08/09 18:51)

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08/09 20:50, 4F

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08/10 12:35, 5F

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08/14 14:56, 6F

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11/04 17:26, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #18dLPx_x (PearlJam)
文章代碼(AID): #18dLPx_x (PearlJam)